Limited Access Records
Kamikaze Kings - The Law

August/September 2012

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arrow KAMIKAZE KINGS: “The Law“ out now!!!



KAMIKAZE KINGS - Limited Access Records - Boys 'n' Men

KAMIKAZE KINGS - Limited Access Records - Boys 'n' Men

KAMIKAZE KINGS - Album Release Show


“The Law“ the best Rock ’n’ Roll Extravaganza album of the year is out now!!!

On August, 31st the time has come and the long expected debut album “The Law“ of the Berlin based Extravaganza Rock ’n’ Rollers KAMIKAZE KINGS will be released through Limited Access Records.

"The Law“ includes 14 tracks, which play out the whole spectrum of heavy Rock ’n’ Roll. The smashing opener “Burn Baby Burn“ leads to the fighter hymn “Boys ‘n‘ Men“ or the hit single “Saturday Night Hero“ and the party smasher “Boneshaker Boogie“ and back to the doomy “Bible Black“- there is a right song for everybody.

“The Law“ is available from now on at your favorite local store or at the online shop of your choice, e.g. EMP, Amazon,, WOWHD, HMV,, … and of course you can buy the album now at all download stores like iTunes, Amazon MP3 or Musicload.

Or join the release show on August, 31st in the legendary Rock 'n' Roll club Wild At Heart in Berlin Kreuzberg to celebrate the release of “The Law“ properly with the KAMIKAZE KINGS. The motto is: Get hypnotized by a night of Rock ‘n‘ Roll, Burlesque, Showgirls, Denim ‘n‘ Leather, Glam ‘n‘ Drama.

As if that wasn’t enough, Berlin newcomers Skate Chords will rock their hearts out and the band Metal Law from Berlin will fire you up with their new lineup.
Furthermore, the Kamikaze showgirl dance explosion will make your blood boil and Bobby Blowjob will perform with the band that night. Additionally, there will be many surprises regarding the release of “The Law“ and KAMIKAZE KINGS will of course fulfill every autograph wish on one of their CDs or posters.

For more information visit the event site of the album release show!!!

“The Law“ Liner Notes!!!!

Elmo Kamikaze has published a track by track videoblog with the liner notes of the new album “The Law“ at the KAMIKAZE KINGS YouTube channel.

In the five episodes, Elmo tells you how the 14 songs were created and what motivated him and the band to write these songs. Additionally, there will be suspenseful anecdotes from Elmo’s eventful life.

For all five parts, check out
and subscribe to the channel of the band to be always up to date.

Further press feedback for "The Law“!!!

AAfter the first press clippings for the last newsletter reached us in time, here comes the next boost.

The new SLAM issue is filled with a mighty dosis of KAMIKAZE KINGS. In the review the chief editor wonders who let the children of a few Mötley Crüe groupies out of the fence and celebrates the Berlin guys as descendants of Mötley Crüe, Twisted Sister and Motörhead, that have ringed in the new age of rivet metal with great 8 out of 10 points. In the interview with SLAM Elmo Kamikaze tells i.a. what the rivet-pitli is all about. The KAMIKAZE KINGS opener “Burn Baby Burn“ from the new album “The Law“ will blast your ears on the SLAM sampler.

But not only in Germany the press is fascinated from KAMIKAZE KINGS. Also the international press celebrates and agrees on the debut of the KAMIKAZE KINGS and requested the first interviews from Elmo.

Besides KAMIKAZE KINGS can be seen world-wide on TV with their music video for the fighter-hymn “Boys ’n’ Men“ and the band knows especially how to amaze the Spanish fans through their daily TV presence.

Reviews (G-A-S):

SLAM - 8/10
"«The Law» is pure Rock from its’ content and topics: «Saturday Night Hero», «Burn Baby Burn», «Boys 'n' Men» – clenched manhood, coupled with glam, rivets inevitable preference for stamping drums, fat riffs and lowered vocals … All hail the black leather!"

Rock Hard - 7/10
"Musically one presents a good kick-ass-rock on «The Law», which is especially liked due to its catchiness. The production of Dirk Faehling makes it a massive adrenaline-cocktail and bombs out of the speakers naturally … With «Burn Baby Burn», «I Am The Law», «Boys ’n’ Men» and «Boneshaker Boogie», the band has however some high-quality hits in their program." - 10/15
“I like the gentlemen whenever they step on gas and fly out of the midtempo, like at «Boys 'n' Men», a really catchy song, and live hit!“ - 3,5/5
“The uptempo songs like «Boneshaker Boogie», «In The Name Of Tragedy» or «Boys ’n’ Men» which you may know from the single release are really powerful. They are smash hits other bands would kill for. Chapeau, my gentlemen! … Listen to «In For The Kill» and you will know how mighty played living sunshine rock has to sound like. The Sunset Strip works in Central Europe, too …“ - 8.8/10
"Friends, this is going to be something big because finally here comes a party compatible and merciless hit suspected music from Germany directly into your living room. You can entitle the KAMIKAZE KINGS easily and without hesitation as “The next big thing“, as it is rare that genius and (funny) madness lay together as on «The Law». Elmo and his boys have worked well … I am more than curious what will come in the future.“

Reviews (worldwide): - 4/7 points (SWE)
“In the end I can say that this is one hell of a catchy rocking album, so for all of you into straightforward rock music with attitude, here’s your album of the summer.“ (SWE)
“I was raised on bigger than life hardrock and I had a thing for Zodiac Mindwarp back in the days. This kinda reminds me of that one-foot-on-the-speaker-fist-in-the-air-bigger-than-god kind of hardrock that was big in the 80s and totally died with grunge. I gotta admit that against better judgment I like this mindless hardrock assault. There is something very liberating about it that I can’t resist“ - 80/100 (NL)
“Vooral een track als «Saturday Night Hero» klinkt als gegoten en je kan ook niet ontkennen dat Elmo je meekrijgt op songs als «Bible Black» of «Hard Times». Zonder twijfel liggen ook wat luisteraars gewoon te wachten tot de bands eens gewoon volledig alles durft weg te slepen, zoals dat gebeurt op afsluiter «Shadows». Een klasse product …“ - 3.5/5 (I)
" Il quartetto di Berlino non ha peli sulla lingua (solo sul petto, messo bene in mostra) e tira fuori quattordici tracce gravide di adrenalina, assalti all’arma bianca senza ritegno, banchetti furiosi sul cadavere degli eighties."
- 7/10 (HR)
“No, kao što milijuni publike obožavaju vrlo bliske filmske zvijezde od Hulk Hogana, Steven Seagala, Jean Claude Van Dama i sli?nih, koji su ipak mal?ice 'skuliraniji', ne bi nikakvo ?udo bilo da i ovi opako pretenciozni Nijemci uberu kod upravo takve publike odre?eni uspjeh. Mene osobno sve ovo podsje?a na one fore Kiss, Manowar, Twisted Sisters i daleko boljih Black Veil Brides, no vizualno su svi tu negdje.“


Hard City (GR)
Alternation (POL)
Battle Helm (USA)
Absolute Punk (USA)

For more exclusive top news of this month, please visit the Facebook page of the KAMIKAZE KINGS. It's worth it!!!


Welcome to Limited Access Records - Your timeless rock & metal label!

Limited Access Records is a record label dedicated to timeless rock & metal music!
Especially founded to support newcomer and well-known bands on the same high level. Since 2004 we released some strong albums of bands like SPELLBOUND DAZZLE, CONTRADICTION, 4BACKWOODS, EAT THE GUN, THE MYSTERY, TRUSTGAME & THE HEARTBREAK MOTEL. We are always looking for new rock or metal talents! So take your chance and send us your press kit and demo CD to our address or send us your demo via Soundcloud!
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Current releases

Kamikaze Kings | The Law

Mercury Tide | Killing Saw

Spellbound Dazzle | Unreal FairyTales

4Backwoods | Be Different Or Die

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